• Smokey Quartz Massage Wand

    Smokey Quartz Massage Wand

    Smokey Quartz disperses fear and helps to lift depression and negativity. It brings emotional calmness, relieving stress and anxiety and promoting positive thoughts and actions. It can help to dispel nightmares and manifest your dreams. Great for Reiki use. This lovely stone is great as a massage wand for relieving the above symptoms and stresses. Each wand is slightly different in colour and unique, these ones are fairly light in colour.

    RRP: £14.99

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  • Tigers Eye Obelisk

    Tigers Eye Obelisk

    This lovely Tigers Eye Obelisk is great for grounding and aiding your psychic and empathic abilities too, said to combine earth and sun energies for a powerful effect. It amplifies positive qualities and helps to minimise negative traits. Great especially for those born Capricorn or Leo, and particularly associated with the Solar Plexus chakra.

    RRP: £9.99

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  • Tourmalinated Quartz Palm Stone

    Tourmalinated Quartz Palm Stone

    This lovely palmstone is great for the Root Chakra, protective of negative thoughts and emotions, it is said to be filled with energy that flashes through it and connects one with other fields of energy, and harnesses the balance of YIn Yang. It brings all the Chakras into alignment, heightening your awareness to bring clarity to your thoughts and intentions.

    RRP: £12.99

    Add to cart £12.99